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NSE Young Engineers Innovation Competition, 2024 | How to Apply


The Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) is hereby calling for applications from all Young Engineers (Students, Graduates and Corporates) in Nigeria for 2024 Young Engineers Innovation Competition. This competition is to distinguish and recognize in a dignified, public way, an outstanding Young Engineer of The Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE).



 - Applicant must be a student, graduate or corporate member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers.

 - Be a Nigerian Citizen

 - Be 35 years and below

 - Be a Resident of Nigeria or In-diaspora.

 - An individual or a group of individuals (Maximum 4 persons)

Applications should be made strictly on the prescribed format which is available on our website:


  • This application is open to young engineers (students, graduate and corporate members) of The Nigerian Society Engineers between 18 and 35 years old from Nigeria.
  • Have a completed form submitted to the Committee by 11:59 PM, August 31st, 2024.
  • Candidate's professional integrity shall be beyond question.
  • Candidates that have consistently worked for the professional and technical interest of the engineering profession.
  • Candidate shall submit a project proposal.

The Innovations should be in the following categories:

 - Software

 - Hardware

 - Robotic

 - Renewable Energy

 - IoT

 - Any other related engineering field

By entering the selection process, all participants guarantee that the submitted documentation is an original work created solely by the applicants and that it does not infringe on copyrights, trademarks and the rights of privacy, publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or entity.


The Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) reserves the right to revoke and or withdraw any already given award/Prize at any time whenever the originality or authenticity of claims by the applicant is in doubt.

Interested applicants should carefully fill the google form and submit online to the Young Engineers/Future Leaders Committee of the Nigerian Society of Engineers on or before 11:59PM on Saturday 31st August 2024.

How to Apply for the NSE Young Engineers Innovation Competition

Click this link to apply:

All enquiries/complaints should be sent to: or

contact: 08060243551, 08186210646.


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