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COREN Proposes One-Year Residency Programme for Engineering Students


The Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) has disclosed that plans are underway to implement a one-year residency programme for engineering students to enhance their skills after completing tertiary education.

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The President of COREN, Prof. Sadiq Zubair Abubakar, disclosed this at a press briefing on preparations for the council’s 32nd assembly in Abuja.

The proposed programme, named the Engineering Residency Programme (EREP), is intended to revive the Supervised Industrial Training Scheme in Engineering (SITSIE).

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It will extend the duration of engineering education to six years, requiring students to spend an additional year after graduating from universities and polytechnics before qualifying for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC).

The programme will be funded through the Industrial Training Fund (ITF).

Prof. Sadiq said, “Given our current situation, COREN has repackaged and renamed the programme. Similar to medical, pharmaceutical, and law residencies, any hands-on profession requires such a residency programme to ensure graduates acquire the necessary skills and competencies to be employable.”

“This programme is essential to equip engineering graduates with the knowledge needed to bridge the gap between theory and practice,” he added.

Credit: DailyTrust


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