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Green-Stem Intra-Africa Mobility Masters Scholarship for Women, 2024 | How to Apply


Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified Africans for the Green-Stem scholarship scheme. Details are as follows;

The GREEN-STEM project, which is part of the Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme, is a cross-regional mobility cooperation by a consortium made of University of Nairobi (Kenya), University of Lagos (Nigeria),  University of Rwanda (Rwanda), University of Witwatersrand (South Africa) and, in Europe, University of Paris Science et Lettres (France). It addresses the serious challenges faced by most African countries such as:

  • Low development
  • Under-capacited and inadequate Higher Education systems
  • Youth unemployment and lack of human capacities
  • Sensitivity of their carbonized economies

GREEN-STEM mission is to put African Universities at the forefront of a Sustainable and Green development and to empower their leadership to tackle the Climate Change impacts by Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.

GREEN-STEM prepares for a Higher Education, Research and Innovation space in Africa to multiply and enrich national capacities. The program grantees, students and staff, will constitute a pool of multi-cultural and entrepreneurial young talents who will serve societal needs and challenges.

Participating Institutions

All participating institutions are members of the African Engineering and Technology Network (Afretec) and African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA).

Central Coordination Office (CCO)

The University of Nairobi, Kenya

Local Coordination Offices (LCOs)

University of Lagos, Nigeria

University of Rwanda, Rwanda

University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

European Liaison Office (ELO)

University of Paris Science et Lettres, France

Associated partners

Afretec Network

Bureau Veritas

Elgon Kenya

Olvea Kenya

Full Programs


Select and apply to a program at one of the host university (different from your home university or the university of which you have obtained your last degree)

The HOST university (where you apply) should be different from your HOME university (where you are actually student or graduated from)

Each partner University is expected to host 2 PhD grantees and 4 Master grantees

After the program application, prepare and submit your scholarship application on the scholarship page before:

– to accommodate with late intake deadline is EXTENDED until July 15th 2024 for Master programs

– December 1st 2024 for PhD programs

The Language of instructions is English

University of Nairobi

Full Master programs

  • Interdisciplinary Global Change Studies
  • Environmental Science 
  • Geography
  • Geographical Information Systems 
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (MEng) 
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (MSc)
  • Urban Studies in the field of Sustainable Energy Efficient Cities
  • Environmental Law

The University of Rwanda

Full Master Programs

  • Master’s Programme in Software Engineering
  • MSc in Information and Communication Technologies (operational communications)
  • MSc in Information Systems (Option: E-governance )
  • MSc in Information Systems (Option: Internet Technologies)
  • MSc in Environmental Chemistry
  • MSc in Applied Mathematics
  • MSc in Atmospheric and Climate Sciences
  • MSc in Internet of Things: Wireless Intelligent Sensor Networking (MSc in IoT: WISeNet)
  • MSc in Internet of Things: Embedded Computing Systems (MSc in IoT: ECS)
  • MSc in Geo-Information Science for Environment & Sustainable Development
  • Master of Science in Water resources and Environmental Management

University of Lagos (UNILAG)

Full Master Programs

  • Master of Information Technology
  • Master of Science in Computer Science
  • Master in Urban Management
  • Master in Mechanical Engineering (contact University of Lagos local coordination office)
  • Master in Thermofluids (contact University of Lagos local coordination office)
  • Master in Climatology (contact University of Lagos local coordination office)

University of Witwatersrand

Full Master programs
  • Interdisciplinary Global Change Studies
  • Environmental Science 
  • Geography
  • Geographical Information Systems 
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (MEng) 
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (MSc)
  • Urban Studies in the field of Sustainable Energy Efficient Cities
  • Environmental Law

How to Apply the Green-Steam Scholarship

GREEN-STEM scholarships will empower up to 92 young talents, students and staff to experience an intra-Africa mobility in the partner institution from short to long term:


CLICK HERE to commence your application.

SCHOLARSHIPS are only available when the HOST university (where you will study) is different from the HOME university (where you are studying or you have studied)

Scholarship application for full Master programs is open until JULY 15, 2024, 5:00 pm, EAT in the limit of available scholarships (4 per university).

Scholarship application for full PhD programs is open until DECEMBER 1, 2024, 5:00 pm, EAT in the limit of available scholarships (2 per partner). 


For Frequently Asked Questions, visit 


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