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How To Print KADPOLY Admission Letter Online For 2019/2020 Session (DO IT YOURSELF)


This is to inform all the newly admitted students of Kaduna Polytechnic (KADPOLY) that the admission letter for the 2019/2020 session is now ready for printing. Unlike before, the admission letter is NOW to be printed on the school's website.

See also: 

All newly admitted students are to follow the procedures below to print their admission letter online.

How To Print KADPOLY Admission Letter Online

1.     First of all CLICK HERE to pay your acceptance fee. (Note: Because you can ONLY print your admission letter after paying your acceptance fee.
3.     Enter your SPIN and password.
4.     Click on 'My Admission' on the left hand side of the screen. If your admission letter is READY for printing, you’ll see it there.

If it’s not yet ready and you have paid your acceptance fee. Keep checking time to time.
Good luck!


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