Covenant University 2015/2016 Admission List Alert

Covenant University’s attention has been drawn to a wide speculation on the internet that the Admission List for the 2015/2016 Academic Session had been released. Please note that the admission list is yet to be published; the University will publish the admission list on the website ( when the process of admission has been concluded.
Covenant University is a product of the Liberation
Commission that God gave to Bishop Oyedepo in a May 1981
vision-encounter. The drive to embark on the process of founding CU came
about October of 1999, one month after the dedication of Faith
Tabernacle, the largest church auditorium in the world, built in one
year with only local resources. As with all segments of the main vision,
Bishop Oyedepo immediately kindled the fire for accomplishment of the
new task. By November 27, 1999, an in-house Consortium on the take-off
of the University was inaugurated and by December 1999 the application
form for a private university operating license was issued by the
National Universities Commission (NUC).
As the activities of the Consortium wound up early in 2001, an
Advisory Council was inaugurated on February 17,2001 to develop
appropriate structures for the take-off of the University. By July 15,
2001, the verification team of the NUC came for final inspection of
facilities and programmes. The outcome of that visit was the Federal
Government’s approval of CU on January 16, 2002. This approval was
sealed with the presentation of the operating license to CU on February
12, 2002, by which CU, Ota, Ogun State, was authorised to operate as a
private university in Nigeria.
Not only was this approval the fastest in the history of the 16 applications for establishment of private universities filed with the NUC (7 years being the next duration), but Covenant University’s assessment score was also the highest.
The foundation stone of the permanent site was laid on Sunday, January 27, 2002 and construction began diligently in March of the same year. The first phase of development was completed eight months later while the first batch of about 1500 students was ushered into an ultra-modern university campus after an early morning inauguration on October 2002.
It is also common knowledge that every covenant is ratified by blood and, as a mission-sponsored university, we consider the blood of Jesus Christ, which is the blood of the everlasting covenant, as our stronghold for the fulfillment of this awesome obligation.
Covenant University vows to transform her products, that is, her graduates as, into expert thinkers, unusual managers, and hyper-resourceful technocrats in all fields of human endeavour. The University is bound by an oath to achieve the highest standards of educational service in the world.
Not only was this approval the fastest in the history of the 16 applications for establishment of private universities filed with the NUC (7 years being the next duration), but Covenant University’s assessment score was also the highest.
The foundation stone of the permanent site was laid on Sunday, January 27, 2002 and construction began diligently in March of the same year. The first phase of development was completed eight months later while the first batch of about 1500 students was ushered into an ultra-modern university campus after an early morning inauguration on October 2002.
All over Africa, particularly in Nigeria, a great significance is attached to names. Names carry meanings and important messages. They reflect circumstances of birth or events that occur in the environment of that birth.
The word “Covenant” was chosen to express the University’s total commitment and vow to perform its best in the process of making the Total Man of all her students. It reflects the intention of the proprietors of the University to uphold her agreement with her students to facilitate the fulfillment of their desires for excellence and career exploits by offering them the best in educational development and, thereby, offering their parents and guardians the best value for their investment in their children.It is also common knowledge that every covenant is ratified by blood and, as a mission-sponsored university, we consider the blood of Jesus Christ, which is the blood of the everlasting covenant, as our stronghold for the fulfillment of this awesome obligation.
Covenant University vows to transform her products, that is, her graduates as, into expert thinkers, unusual managers, and hyper-resourceful technocrats in all fields of human endeavour. The University is bound by an oath to achieve the highest standards of educational service in the world.
Our commitment to creating the Total Man is a
direct result of this vow and agreement between students and the
proprietors of Covenant University
-Excerpt from a speech by Dr David Oyedepo, Chancellor, Covenant University at the inauguration of the Advisory Council on February 17, 2000.
-Excerpt from a speech by Dr David Oyedepo, Chancellor, Covenant University at the inauguration of the Advisory Council on February 17, 2000.
In pursuit of its vision of Raising a New Generation of Leaders, Covenant University developed a custom built course tagged Towards A Total Graduate (TTG). It is designed to specially package the student and deliver him to his world upon graduation, as an agent of change, set to take charge of his environment and break the barriers of limitation confronting our nation and continent at large. moreCENTRE FOR WEALTH CREATION (CWC)
The Centre for Wealth Creation is designed as a start-up nursery for nurturing innovative ideas by staff and students into maturity. It is a Centre that acts as a clinic or an incubator for aspiring and emerging small businesses in the community; and a research laboratory for product development and inventions of novel ideas of our students and the community. moreENTREPRENEURIAL DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (EDS).
The focus of the Entrepreneurial Development Studies (EDS) programme is to inculcate in the students the spirit and discipline of enterprise and entrepreneurship. The scope covers all CU students at various levels and programmes. moreFACULTY SUPPORT PROGRAMME (FSP)
CU, through FSP, performs its role as in-loco-parentis to students and assist them to develop spiritually, academically, emotionally, socially and physically during their period of study in the university. moreTOTAL MAN CONCEPT (TMC)
TMC is a unique and holistic concept of human
development that is novel in Africa. The fundamental and foundational
philosophy of TMC is premised on accessing the total make-up of man from
the spirit, soul and body dimensions. more
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